I am saving the outlook context and in the saveAsync method i am getting event Id. Sometimes event id contains '/' in it. if i use that eventId with '/' it is failing. can someone help me on this?
function (asyncResult0)
if (asyncResult0.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded)
"sample body",
function (asyncResult1)
if (asyncResult1.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded)
function (result)
**let eventId = result.value;**
// Process the result
Update your code to:
Office.context.mailbox.subject.setAsync -> Office.context.mailbox.item.subject.setAsync
Office.context.mailbox.body.setAsync -> Office.context.mailbox.item.body.setAsync
If the problem persists, could you please share the screenshot of the result and the scenario you're trying to achieve.