Basically, I want to do something when one of the arrow keys are pressed.
I've read many different questions. Many of them talk about keyDown
, but that is for NSViewController
or NSWindow
(this and this(Apple Documention)). I thought I was onto something when I used this:
func setKeys() {
let up = UIKeyCommand(input: UIKeyCommand.inputUpArrow, modifierFlags: [], action: #selector(upPressed))
@objc func upPressed() {
However, the upPressed()
isn't even called. What is the best way to accomplish this?
You are not using the returned UIKeyCommand instance up
Apple: "After creating a key command object, you can add it to a view controller using the addKeyCommand: method of the view controller. You can also override any responder class and return the key command directly from the responder’s keyCommands property."
class Test: UIViewController{
override func viewDidLoad() {
func setKeys() {
let up = UIKeyCommand(input: UIKeyCommand.inputUpArrow, modifierFlags: [], action: #selector(upPressed))
@objc func upPressed() {
Tested this using a simulator and hardware keyboard.
ADDITIONALLY: If you are going to implement it through the UIView directly you have to do : "...You can also override any responder class and return the key command directly from the responder’s keyCommands property." since UIView conforms to UIResponder
class CustomView: UIView{
override var keyCommands: [UIKeyCommand]? {
return [UIKeyCommand(input: UIKeyCommand.inputUpArrow, modifierFlags: [], action: #selector(upPressed))]
@objc func upPressed(){
print("hello world")