I was needed to implement set of items with individual expiration, so I used zset
with score of expiration timestamp.
Now I want to get random item from range of not expired items, or at least from all items in set.
How can I do it?
Can I get min and max rank of range and random rank in between of it via LUA scripting?
Redis version: 5.0.2
I solve this via following script:
-- KEYS[1] - set key
-- ARGV[1] - seed timestamp
local count = redis.call('ZCARD', KEYS[1])
if count ~= 0 then
local rank = math.random(0, count - 1)
local range = redis.call('ZRANGE', KEYS[1], rank, rank)
return range[1]
return ''
And because I search among all items I do sanitization from expired items every n