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label_bquote() doesn't work with column faceting in ggplot2

Though I have been able to get label_bquote() to work with geom_raster() when faceting into rows, it seemingly does not work when faceting into columns. Here is a reproducible example, where the rasters are faceted into rows, giving the correct output:

d = expand.grid(
   X = c(1, 2, 3),
   Y = c(1, 2, 3),
   Z = c(1, 2, 3)

d$A = runif(27)

p = ggplot(
   data = d
) +
      mapping = aes(
         x = X,
         y = Y,
         fill = A
   ) + facet_grid(
      Z ~ .,
      labeller = label_bquote(
         "Z Value ="~ .(Z)

The output is as you would expect:

Correct graphic

However if the facet_grid() formula is changed to show columns instead of rows:

) + facet_grid(
          . ~ Z,
          labeller = label_bquote(
             "Z Value ="~ .(Z)

Then the bquote labelling is ignored, and only the parsed labelling is used:

Incorrect graphic

What is causing this please?

EDIT: I should have added: I am using ggplot2 version 3.1.0 from CRAN.


  • I reported it as a bug but apparently it's not... see this issue.

    label_bquote() has both rows and cols arguments! You'll need to specify which is which to get it working with facet_grid().

    Or in the ggplot2 manual:

    label_bquote(rows = NULL, cols = NULL, default)