I want to centralize Person based information within one 2sxc App and reuse the 'Persons' within other App's. Like a Person as an Author within a News-App and a Person as member within a Team-App and so on.
What I did
Create an App for Person administration (NPi_Person):
In another App, for example an App for News (NPi_News):
The dropdown of the Field Person_Entity of the NPi_News App contains as expected the Person Entities from the NPi_Person App. The problem is that the Person Entity doesn't get persisted. Means after saving and reopening the Form the Field Person_Entity is still empty.
Does this mean that the source of a Field with Datatype Entity and Input Type Query based entity/item-picker may not derive from another App?
the entity field has relationships which are verified when loading the app into the cache. Each app is self-contained, so relationships are verified within that app only.
Entities from another app may or may not exist - it's something you must handle at runtime.
So to store these, you'll have to use the string-query and then look them up in your cshtml from the other app (or you can probably also do this using a query which looks them up from the string keys). It's also super-fast, but you need to manually do this as you're going beyond the default data-model.