I need to stop the video when the slide is changed. The current code reacts to changing the variable, but does not stop the video. I use Clappr ^0.3.3, Vue-cli ^3.5.0 and Swiper ^4.5.0.
I change the boolean value to use it for the trigger in the player:
data: () => ({
slider_is_move: false,
After request:
.then(() => {
// init slider
new Swiper('.content__slider', {
// Note: I removed extra options
on: {
slideChange: function () {
this.slider_is_move = true; // if slide is change
setTimeout(() => {
this.slider_is_move = false; // set the previous value
}, 1500);
// init clappr (video player)
if ( document.querySelector('.content-video') ) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.project_videos.length; i++) {
new Clappr.Player({
source: '/storage/' + this.project_videos[i],
parentId: '#container_' + (this.project_images.length + i),
mute: true,
width: document.querySelector('.content-item').offsetWidth,
height: document.querySelector('.content-item').offsetHeight,
events: {
onPlay: () => {
setInterval(() => {
if (this.slider_is_move === true) {
}, 1000);
If I add a console.log()
, the code will work as it should, but it will not stop the video.
onPlay: () => {
setInterval(() => {
if (this.slider_is_move === true) {
}, 1000);
To make the video stop when you change the slide, you need to add a few lines in the code:
add name to object
let player_video = new Clappr.Player...
and pause it