I am trying to send a byteArray as an input data to my Worker Class inside the WorkRequest. Is there a way to send byteArray and receive the same inside the worker class?
I have tried to send IntArray and I am able to achieve the result.
//work request
val workRequest = OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder(MyWroker::class.java)
//create Input Data for work request
fun createInputData(): Data {
return Data.Builder()
.putString(FIRST_KEY, "My value")
.putInt(SECOND_KEY, 5)
I am getting an error cannot resolve method getByteArray(). I have read the documentation of Data class and there is no such method available.
The support to store and retrieve bytes and byte arrays into Data
object has been added to WorkManager v2.1.0-alpha01.
You can add WorkManager's KTX and use OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<>()
and workDataOf()
in your work request (or use the putByteArray()
method of the Data.Builder
val workRequest = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<MyWorker>()
private fun createInputData() = workDataOf(
FIRST_KEY to "My value",
SECOND_KEY to byteArrayOf(0x2E, 0x38))
and then retrieve the byte array in your worker using something like:
class MyWorker(ctx: Context, params: WorkerParameters) : Worker(ctx, params) {
override fun doWork(): Result {
val myByteArray = inputData.getByteArray()
// Do something with the ByteArray