I am new to scala, just started with my scala first application.
I have defined my config file under the resources folder, application.conf
"application" {
I have wrote one config parser file to parse from config file to case class
case class AppConfig (config: Config) {
val host = config.getString("projectname.application.host")
val port = config.getInt("projectname.application.port")
In my grpc server file, i have declared config as
val config = AppConfig(ConfigFactory.load("application.conf"))
I want to use this config variable across application, rather than loading application.conf file everytime.
I want to have one bootstrap function which will parse this config one time, making it available across application
You can do this automatically with PureConfig.
Add Pure Config to you build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "com.github.pureconfig" %% "pureconfig" % "0.11.0"
and reload the sbt shell and update your dependencies.
Now, let's say you have the following resource.conf
host: example.com
port: 80
user: admin
password: admin_password
You can define a case class called AppConfig
case class AppConfig(
host: String,
port: Int,
user: String,
password: String
And create an instance of it, populated with the application config, using the loadConfig
import pureconfig.generic.auto._
val errorsOrConfig: Either[ConfigReaderFailures, AppConfig] = pureconfig.loadConfig[AppConfig]
This returns Either an error or your AppConfig, depending on the values in the config itself.
For example, if the value of port
above will be eighty
, instead of 80, you will get a detailed error, saying that the second config line (with the port: eighty
) contained a string, but the only valid expected type is a number:
reason = WrongType(
foundType = STRING,
expectedTypes = Set(NUMBER)
location = Some(
new URL("file:~/repos/example-project/target/scala-2.12/classes/application.conf"),
lineNumber = 2
path = "port"
You can use loadConfigOrThrow
if you want to get AppConfig
instead of an Either.
After you load this config once at the start of your application (as close as possible to your main function), you can use dependency injection to pass it along to all the other classes, simply by passing the AppConfig in the constructor.
If you would like to wire up your Logic class (and other services) with the config case class using MacWire, as Krzysztof suggested in one of his options, you can see my answer here.
The plain example (without MacWire), looks like this:
package com.example
import com.example.config.AppConfig
object HelloWorld extends App {
val config: AppConfig = pureconfig.loadConfigOrThrow[AppConfig]
val logic = new Logic(config)
class Logic(config: AppConfig) {
// do something with config
Where the AppConfig is defined in AppConfig.scala
package com.example.config
case class AppConfig(
host: String,
port: Int,
user: String,
password: String
As a bonus, when you use this config variable in your IDE, you will get code completion.
Moreover, your config may be built from the supported types, such as String, Boolean, Int, etc, but also from other case classes that are build from the supported types (this is since a case class represents a value object, that contains data), as well as lists and options of supported types.
This allows you to "class up" a complicated config file and get code completion. For instance, in application.conf
name: hotels_best_dishes
host: "https://example.com"
port: 80
hotels: [
"Club Hotel Lutraky Greece",
"Four Seasons",
"Waldorf Astoria"
min-duration: 2 days
currency-by-location {
us = usd
england = gbp
il = nis
accepted-currency: [usd, gbp, nis]
application-id: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff
ssh-directory: /home/whoever/.ssh
developer: {
name: alice,
age: 20
Then define a config case class in your code:
import java.net.URL
import java.util.UUID
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import pureconfig.generic.EnumCoproductHint
import pureconfig.generic.auto._
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
sealed trait Currency
case object Usd extends Currency
case object Gbp extends Currency
case object Nis extends Currency
object Currency {
implicit val currencyHint: EnumCoproductHint[Currency] = new EnumCoproductHint[Currency]
case class Config(
name: String,
host: URL,
port: Int,
hotels: List[String],
minDuration: FiniteDuration,
currencyByLocation: Map[String, Currency],
acceptedCurrency: List[Currency],
applicationId: UUID,
sshDirectory: java.nio.file.Path,
developer: Person
And load it with:
val config: Config = pureconfig.loadConfigOrThrow[Config]