I'm currently having a problem with my Genymotion Virtual Device where I'm able to boot up an emulator, (when it opens up,) and it responds to swipes or opens up app, but the status of the device shows that the device is stuck on booting.
When I check with "adb devices" it doesn't show up as an active device. I've attempted to reinstall Genymotion and VirtualBox, as well as create a new virtual devices, but it doesn't appear to get rid of the issue. I'm not sure what to look for or what to adjust to get Genymotion working again. Vitrual Box and Android SDK directory appear correct.
I face this problem several time and i didn't find any solution until now.
I update Genymotion to version 3.0.2 and now work fine.
As in release note says
We have fixed an incompatibility with the adb tool bundled in the platform-tools 28.0.2 package of the Android SDK, which caused failures to start virtual devices.
This new version of adb changed the behavior of the “adb connect :” command by making the “port” part mandatory. This broke Genymotion Desktop in a few places where it did not pass the port. We have adjusted the way we call “adb connect” and also updated the version we ship with the product to match the one in platform-tools 28.0.2.
Source www.genymotion.com