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Running multiple ECS tasks based on same task definition but with different environment variables

I have a task to process large amount of data, so data is batched into lots of parts. I have written the task definition for this type of work but now I know only how to set up them manually via registering multiple task definitions for each env.

sample where each task has its own env BATCH_ID

  aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://taskdef1.json  
  aws ecs run-task --cluster $cluster --task-definition process_data_1

  aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://taskdef2.json  
  aws ecs run-task --cluster $cluster --task-definition process_data_2

It would be even nice to have some .manifest file of all task arns put for cluster.

Is there someway to run multiple similar ECS tasks with different env params in more elegant way then creating enormous amount of different taskdefs files?

Thanks for any help and suggestions


  • You can override environmental variable when you run the task with --overrides flag. I use this all the time; you can either override an existing environmental variable (defined in task definition) or simply add a new one. --overrides accepts only JSON (no shorthand syntax); in your case, it would look like:

      "containerOverrides": [
          "name": "containerNameFromTaskDefinition",
          "environment": [
              "name": "BATCH_ID",
              "value": "sampleBatchId"

    and the command:

    aws ecs run-task --cluster $cluster --task-definition process_data_1 --overrides {"containerOverrides":[...]} 

    You can use --overrides to override even more things of course: