I am trying to add values in a SQL table by taking user input by building connection through python.
I have tried building connection with SQL database and adding values in the table, but the values are added only temporarily in python and the values doesn't get inserted in the SQL table
I tried the following:
database ='c:\\sqlite\db\chinook.db'
conn =sqlite3.connect(database)
cur =conn.cursor()
sql ="Insert into books(id,title,author,genre,owner) values (?,?,?,?,?) "
value1 =(2,'Outliers','Malcom Gladwell','Non-Fiction','Ishant Sahu')
sql2 ="Select * from books; "
db = pd.read_sql(sql2,conn)
I can see the values inserted in db:
id title author genre owner
1 Shoe Dog Phil Knight Memoir Jitesh Singla
2 Outliers Malcom Gladwell Non-Fiction Ishant Sahu
But When I'm running the table on SQL server, there is no change:
1 Shoe Dog Phil Knight Memoir Jitesh Singla
Is there any way to do this and if not why is this not possible?
In python database connections, default the auto commit is false. So you need to commit the query in order to save the data to the database.