I am writing a script that reads sql files and uses cx_Oracle to execute the files. Some files are written using only spaces between each sql operator and keyword and others use newlines and tabs for whitespace. I am facing issue with the latter. For example this section returns the following:
NON_PRINTABLE = """\r\n\t"""
def parseSQLFile(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as sqlFile:
allSQL = sqlFile.read()
#filteredSQL = filter(lambda ln: ln in string.printable, allSQL)
# replace specific control characters with spaces to prevent sql compiler errors
for char in NON_PRINTABLE:
allSQL.replace(char,' ')
return allSQL
I've tried use the filter function, translate, and replace; however, I still get the following varying results from the following input:
'select\n\ts.id\n\t,s.src_cnt\n\t,s.out_file\t\nfrom\n\tkpi_index_ros.composites s\n\t,kpi_index_ros.kpi_index_rosoards d\nwhere\n\t1 = 1\n\tand s.kpi_index_rosoard_id (+) = d.id\n\tand d.active = 1\n;'
Output 1:
'select\n s.id\n ,s.src_cnt\n ,s.out_file \nfrom\n kpi_index_ros.composites s\n ,kpi_index_ros.kpi_index_rosoards d\nwhere\n 1 = 1\n and s.kpi_index_rosoard_id (+) = d.id\n and d.active = 1\n;'
Output 2:
'select \ts.id \t,s.src_cnt \t,s.out_file\t from \tkpi_index_ros.composites s \t,kpi_index_ros.kpi_index_rosoards d where \t1 = 1 \tand s.kpi_index_rosoard_id (+) = d.id \tand d.active = 1 ;'
It seems that It will either replace tabs OR newlines but not both. Is there any way to accomplish this in an efficient manner?
Making the following change (replacing allSQL value with the output of .replace method of String object) produces the desired output:
NON_PRINTABLE = """\r\n\t"""
def parseSQLFile(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as sqlFile:
allSQL = sqlFile.read()
# replace specific control characters with spaces to prevent sql compiler errors
for char in NON_PRINTABLE:
allSQL = allSQL.replace(char,' ') #updating allSQL with returned value
return allSQL
'select s.id ,s.src_cnt ,s.out_file from kpi_index_ros.composites s ,kpi_index_ros.kpi_index_rosoards d where 1 = 1 and s.kpi_index_rosoard_id (+) = d.id and d.active = 1 ;'
As of the second part of your question - regarding efficiency of such approach, you should probably refer to benchmark results in this answer.