I have MacOs 10.14 and I installed gedit on my Mac via HomeBrew . When I open gedit typing :
gedit nameoffile
Terminal stops responding to commands. The only thing I can do in order to use Terminal again is to close gedit and terminate the session of Terminal and reopen it. Is there anything I can do to solve this ?
*** I managed to find a solution for not closing gedit when I terminate the session of Terminal : I have to open gedit with
sudo gedit nameoffile
However also in this way Terminal stops responding to any command ...
When you run a command from terminal, the command takes over. It's possible that after you close the gedit
window, the process continues to run for some reason.
You can send a command to the background when starting it by adding &
to the end:
gedit nameoffile &
This should instantly bring you back to the prompt when the process starts.
Alternatively, you could pause the process by hitting Ctrl-Z
, then do a variety of things with that process like: kill it using kill
, unpause the process and send it to the background using bg
, bring it back to the foreground using fg
, see list of running jobs with jobs
and more.
You can read more about how terminal processes work here