I have the following data in the store:
properties :
_id: 123.
name: "Nice property"
_id: 456.
name: "Another nice property"
In my ngOnInit
method I would like to select a property from the store mathcing an id that was passed as a queryParam like this:
this.id = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id');
this.property = this.ngRedux.select( state => state.properties).pipe(find( property => property._id === this.id))
Obviously, this does not work, but it catches the spirit of what I am trying to do.
Googling selecting by id using ngRedux brings very little, so I have a suspicion that I am doing this the wrong way.
I have tried resolving this using .subscribe
, however, then all the logic must be in the subscribe callback, which seems wrong and did not work when I tried to make a reactive form.
Try this:
this.property = this.store.select((state) => state.properties)
.pipe(map(properties => properties.find(x => x_.id == this.id)));
This should work for your given scenario. You simply select properties from the store and then return the first property which matches your id.