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Create-react-app build files tilde ~ character

Is there a way to not use the tilde character in the create-react-app build js file names?

After I run npm run build on my create-react-app, I get a couple runtime~main.[hash].js files in the /static/js/ folder . My destination file system does not allow tilde characters in file or folder names.

Can I change config somewhere to output runtime-main.[hash].js with a - instead of tilde??


  • Solved without ejecting:

    -Install rescripts: npm install @rescripts/cli --save-dev in your project

    -Create a file .rescriptsrc.js at the root directory of your project and put the code below inside:

    module.exports = config => {
        config.optimization.splitChunks.automaticNameDelimiter = '_';
        if (config.optimization.runtimeChunk) {
            config.optimization.runtimeChunk = {
                name: entrypoint => `runtime_${}`
        return config;

    In package.json in sripts section add a new entry "build-re": "rescripts build"

    Now when running npm run build-re it will generate _ instead of ~ in file names.