I'm trying to split and combine a binary file, for a reason not related to this question i'm using protobuf to store the files char* in a protobuf byte type
The code to serialize char* looks like this:
char* buffer = new char[buffer_size];
ifstream fileStream;
fileStream.open(fileName,ios::in | ios::binary);
//stuff here
Data *data = new Data(); // Protobuf Constructor
fileStream.read(buffer, buffer_size);
.proto file :
syntax = "proto3";
message Data {
int32 piece_no = 1;
bytes payload = 2;
Then i try to combine all the pieces like so :
ofstream fileOutput;
fileOutput.open("out.bin", ios::out | ios::binary);
fileOutput << data->payload();
But sadly this doesn't work and the binary file generated is substantially smaller than the original.
I then suspect that the bytes could have null characters \0, and as a result the bytes have actually been truncated.
To test out my hypothesis i do the following:
Data *data = new Header();
ofstream fileOutput;
fileOutput.open("out.bin",ios::out | ios::binary);
fileOutput << data->payload();
Opening the binary file in a text editor (vscode) shows the following:
But the following code:
string data("hel\0lo",6);
ofstream fileOutput;
fileOutput.open("out.bin", ios::out | ios::binary);
fileOutput << data;
Shows the following:
How can i output exactly what i inputted into protobuf, without any truncation because of arbitrary null bytes ?
If you pass a string literal, then it will treat it as such and only read until the first null terminator.
Instead you can pass a std::string
directly as in your last example.
See under "Singular String Fields (proto3)" in https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/cpp-generated#oneof