I am setting up webpack for my symfony project and I want to have page specific javascript files.
I need to use twig filters such as {{ form.licenseText.vars.id }}
in my external js file that I will build in webpack.
Any help here?
I tried setting up the variable and calling tag after that which doesn't seem to work.
$.trumbowyg.svgPath = '/img/trumbowyg-icons.svg';
var trumbowyg_config = {
btns: [
$('#{{ form.descriptionText.vars.id }}').trumbowyg(trumbowyg_config);
$('#{{ form.licenseText.vars.id }}').trumbowyg(trumbowyg_config);
/* toggle text boxes in respect to the auto update settings */
$('#{{ form.descriptionTextAutoUpdate.vars.id }}').on('change', function() {
var au = $('input[name="{{ form.descriptionTextAutoUpdate.vars.full_name }}"]:checked').val() == '1';
var el = $('#descriptionText_div');
au ? el.hide() : el.show();
$('#{{ form.licenseTextAutoUpdate.vars.id }}').on('change', function() {
var au = $('input[name="{{ form.licenseTextAutoUpdate.vars.full_name }}"]:checked').val() == '1';
var el = $('#licenseText_div');
au ? el.hide() : el.show();
I would like to access these twig variables in my external js file as shown above in the code.
You can use two tricks for this.
a. Use classes or specific attributes in your form elements, and access to them with global selectors.
namespace App\Form;
class MyForm extends AbstractType
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
$builder->add("descriptionText", null, [
"attr" => [ "class" => ["trumbowygable"]],
]) ;
... or ...
$builder->add("otherField", null, [
"attr" => [ "data-other-thing" => 1]],
And JS looks like ...
// or
$('input[data-other-thing]').on("someEvent", bla bla bla);
b. Create a global javascript function that receive id elements by parameters.
function buildTrumbowyg(id_one, id_two) {
$('#' + id_one).blaBlaBla( ... )