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Use Twig variables in external js file

I am setting up webpack for my symfony project and I want to have page specific javascript files. I need to use twig filters such as {{ }} in my external js file that I will build in webpack. Any help here?

I tried setting up the variable and calling tag after that which doesn't seem to work.

  $.trumbowyg.svgPath = '/img/trumbowyg-icons.svg';

  var trumbowyg_config = {
    btns: [

  $('#{{ }}').trumbowyg(trumbowyg_config);
  $('#{{ }}').trumbowyg(trumbowyg_config);

  /* toggle text boxes in respect to the auto update settings */
  $('#{{ }}').on('change', function() {
    var au = $('input[name="{{ form.descriptionTextAutoUpdate.vars.full_name }}"]:checked').val() == '1';
    var el = $('#descriptionText_div');
    au ? el.hide() :;
  $('#{{ }}').on('change', function() {
    var au = $('input[name="{{ form.licenseTextAutoUpdate.vars.full_name }}"]:checked').val() == '1';
    var el = $('#licenseText_div');
    au ? el.hide() :;

I would like to access these twig variables in my external js file as shown above in the code.


  • You can use two tricks for this.

    a. Use classes or specific attributes in your form elements, and access to them with global selectors.

    namespace App\Form;
    class MyForm extends AbstractType
      public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
           $builder->add("descriptionText", null, [
               "attr" => [ "class" => ["trumbowygable"]],
           ]) ;
           ... or ...
           $builder->add("otherField", null, [
               "attr" => [ "data-other-thing" => 1]],

    And JS looks like ...

    // or
    $('input[data-other-thing]').on("someEvent", bla bla bla);

    b. Create a global javascript function that receive id elements by parameters.

    function buildTrumbowyg(id_one, id_two) {
        $('#' + id_one).blaBlaBla( ... )