I'm having problem loading 26 and other 2-digits decimal numbers into registers.
I know that '0' has an ASCII value of 48 and I need to add 48 to any number from 0 to 9 to get the ASCII values, but I don't know how to load 2-digit numbers.
.model small
main proc
mov dl, 2
add dl, 48 ; this makes the character ascii
;code for printing a character
mov ah, 2h
int 21h ; prints value of dl
end main
loading 26 and other 2-digits decimal numbers into registers
This is the easy part. All the 2-digit decimal numbers are within the range [10,99].
To load those into a register like CX
, you simply write
mov cx, 10
mov cx, 11
What your program is doing is something completely different. You're trying to display such a 2-digit decimal number. This requires decomposing the number into its 2 characters. You do this through dividing the number by 10. The quotient is the first digit to print, the remainder is the second digit to print.
mov ax, cx ; Division exclusively works with AX
mov dl, 10 ; Divisor
div dl ; AX / DL -> Quotient in AL, Remainder in AH
add ax, 3030h ; Make both ASCII at the same time
mov dx, ax ; DL holds "quotient"-character, DH holds "remainder"-character
mov ah, 02h ; DOS.DisplayCharacter
int 21h
mov dl, dh ; Bring "remainder"-character in DL
mov ah, 02h ; DOS.DisplayCharacter
int 21h