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Ionic 4 - determing if there is a forward-navigation available

I am currently upgrading an Ionic 1 app to Ionic 4.

I need to know, if the current page has a "forwardView" available. Meaning I need to know if the user visited the page by using a "normal" forward link, or by using the "ion-back-button" (respectively the browser back button)

In Ionic 1 we used the feature "forwardView()":$ionicHistory/

The code looked something like this:

class ListViewContentController {
    static $inject = [

    constructor(private $ionicHistory: ionic.navigation.IonicHistoryService) {}

    public someMethod(){
        const forwardView = this.$ionicHistory.forwardView(); 
        if (forwardView) {
            // Do something if a forward view is available
        } else {
            // Do something else if there is no forward view

How do I achieve the same funtionality with the router in Ionic4 / Angular 7 ?


  • Let's assume the following example for better understanding

    In the app.component.html we have three links:

      <a routerLink="./section-a">Section A</a>
      <a routerLink="./section-b">Section B</a>
      <a routerLink="./section-c">Section C</a>

    And in the app.component.ts

    import { Component } from "@angular/core";
    import { Event as NavigationEvent } from "@angular/router";
    import { filter } from "rxjs/operators";
    import { NavigationStart } from "@angular/router";
    import { Router } from "@angular/router";
        selector: "my-app",
        styleUrls: [ "./app.component.sass" ],
        template: './app.component.html'
    export class AppComponent {
        // I initialize the app component.
        constructor( router: Router ) {
                    // The "events" stream contains all the navigation events. For this demo,
                    // though, we only care about the NavigationStart event as it contains
                    // information about what initiated the navigation sequence.
                        ( event: NavigationEvent ) => {
                            return( event instanceof NavigationStart );
                    ( event: NavigationStart ) => {
               "NavigationStart Event" );
                        // Every navigation sequence is given a unique ID. Even "popstate"
                        // navigations are really just "roll forward" navigations that get
                        // a new, unique ID.
                        console.log( "navigation id:", );
                        console.log( "route:", event.url );
                        // The "navigationTrigger" will be one of:
                        // --
                        // - imperative (ie, user clicked a link).
                        // - popstate (ie, browser controlled change such as Back button).
                        // - hashchange
                        // --
                        // NOTE: I am not sure what triggers the "hashchange" type.
                        console.log( "trigger:", event.navigationTrigger );
                        // This "restoredState" property is defined when the navigation
                        // event is triggered by a "popstate" event (ex, back / forward
                        // buttons). It will contain the ID of the earlier navigation event
                        // to which the browser is returning.
                        // --
                        // CAUTION: This ID may not be part of the current page rendering.
                        // This value is pulled out of the browser; and, may exist across
                        // page refreshes.
                        if ( event.restoredState ) {
                                "restoring navigation id:",

    And your routes array

                        path: "section-a",
                        component: SectionAComponent
                        path: "section-b",
                        component: SectionBComponent
                        path: "section-c",
                        component: SectionCComponent
                    // Tell the router to use the hash instead of HTML5 pushstate.
                    useHash: true,

    When you run the code and navigate for Section B and you want to return to A:

    • If click the back-button the event will be triggered as popStat
    • If you use the normal navigate (i.e. you clicked on section A) the event will be triggered as imperative

    For better understanding i recommend you to visit Using Router Events To Detect Back And Forward Browser Navigation In Angular 7.0.4