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An alternative way to select multiple columns and fillna() in multiple columns using pandas

I am trying to select three columns["attacktype1","attacktype2","attacktype3"] whose datatypes are integer from a data frame using pandas and want to fillna(0) into those columns and total those columns into a new column.["Total_attacks"]

The dataset can be downloaded from: Click [here]

I have tried applying fillna(0) to one column at a time and then totalling them into a new single column.

My first way:

da1 = pd.read_csv('terror.csv', sep = ',', header=0 , encoding='latin' , na_values=['Missing', ' '])
#Handling missing values
da1['attacktype3'] = da1['attacktype3'].fillna(0)
da1['attacktype2'] = da1['attacktype2'].fillna(0)
da1['attacktype1'] = da1['attacktype1'].fillna(0)
da1['total_attacks'] = da1['attacktype3'] + da1['attacktype2'] + da1['attacktype1']

#country_txt is a column which consists of different countries.Want to find "Total_atacks" only for India. Therefore, the condition applied is country_txt=='India'.

a1 = da1.query("country_txt=='India'").agg({'total_attacks':np.sum})

My second way(which doesnt work):

da1 = pd.read_csv('terror.csv', sep = ',', header=0 , encoding='latin' , na_values=['Missing', ' '])
#Handling missing values
store=Df[["attacktype1","attacktype2","attacktype3"]].apply(lambda x:x.fillna(0))


I want to apply fillna(0) to multiple columns in a single line and also total those columns in an alternate and effective way.

The error that I get when I use my second way is:

ValueError: Cannot index with multidimensional key


  • First filter by boolean indexing with DataFrame.loc and then replace missing values by DataFrame.fillna:

    check1 = Df.country_txt == "India"
    cols = ["attacktype1","attacktype2","attacktype3"]
    Df['Total_attack'] = Df.loc[check1, cols].fillna(0).sum(axis=1)

    For scalar, one number output add sum:

    Total_attack = Df['Total_attack'].sum()
    print (Total_attack)