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How to create a multiple choice question in oTree?

I was wondering if it is possible to have a multiple choice question in otree. Something like radio button but that lets you choose more than one thing. What I'm thinking of is something like:

Question: The following list of statements contains three correct statements and three false statements. Please select the three correct statements:

  • Statement 1
  • Statement 2
  • Statement 3
  • Statement 4
  • Statement 5
  • Statement 6


  • You can use otree_models.models.MultipleChoiceFormField for this purpose, as sketched out in the following:


    from otree.api import BasePlayer
    from otree_tools.models import fields as tool_models
    class Player(BasePlayer):
        correct_statements = tool_models.MultipleChoiceModelField(label="Please select the three correct statements",
                                                                  min_choices=3, max_choices=3)


    from ._bultin import Page
    class ExamplePage(Page):
        form_model = "player"
        form_fields = ["correct_statements"]
        def correct_statements_choices(self):
             """Return the list of statements to choose from."""
             return ["Statement 1", "Statement 2", "Statement 3",
                     "Statement 4", "Statement 5", "Statement 6"]

    In ExamplePage.html, simply include the form field:

    {% extends "global/Page.html" %}
    {% load otree %}
    {% block content %}
    The following list of statements contains three correct statements and three false statements. 
    {% formfield player.correct_statements %}
    {% next_button %}
    {% endblock %}