Search code examples

Understanding print in return statements

The return statement returns extra apostrophes and brackets, which I could not figure out why.

This code finds whether a substring is present in the string.

    def find(the_string, search_this):
     if search_this in the_string:
         a = the_string.find(search_this)
         # returns the unexpected 
         return (search_this, "found at", str(a))
         # the correct output I am looking for
         return (search_this + " was not found at " + the_string)

     print(find("abcd", "xyz"))

The first return statement returns me with a print statement which is not desirable.

Example: ('abc', 'found at', '3')

The second return statement returns me with a print statement which is the one I am looking for:

Example: xyz was not found at abcd

When printed out, why does the first return statement have extra brackets and apostrophes?


  • This expression creates a tuple of three strings. In Python a tuple is similar to a list:

    In [138]: ('one', 'two', 'three')                                            
    Out[138]: ('one', 'two', 'three')

    This expression joins three strings into one string:

    In [139]: ('one'+ 'two'+ 'three')                                            
    Out[139]: 'onetwothree'

    The () in this case a just a grouping tool, and don't make a change:

    In [140]: 'one'+ 'two'+ 'three'                                              
    Out[140]: 'onetwothree'

    To create a tuple with one item, such as a string, you have to include a comma:

    In [141]: ('one'+ 'two'+ 'three',)                                           
    Out[141]: ('onetwothree',)

    In fact, it's the commas that create the tuple (more so than the ())

    In [142]: 'one', 'two', 'three'                                              
    Out[142]: ('one', 'two', 'three')

    and for comparison a list:

    In [143]: ['one', 'two', 'three']                                            
    Out[143]: ['one', 'two', 'three']

    This notation for strings, tuples, and lists can be confusing at the start, but worth learning well.

    and one other variation - passing the three strings to a print function:

    In [144]: print('one', 'two', 'three')                                       
    one two three