Since we don't have to cast anymore, I expected findViewById
to return the correct type, but it doesn't seem to do that. I'm obviously making a very simple mistake here, can you point it out?
I have a TextView
's ID (since I created it dynamically) and want to change the text size of that item, this snippet works fine:
TextView tmpView = findViewById(chain.getIngredientNameId());
But this one doesn't:
So I assume I have to case it to TextView
but none of my attempts seems to work (using () or <>), what obvious thing am I missing?
You should cast it if do not save to variable.
TextView tmpView = findViewById(chain.getIngredientNameId()); //TextVeiw
((TextView) findViewById(chain.getIngredientNameId())).setTextSize(8); // TextVeiw
findViewById(chain.getIngredientNameId()); // View