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swift cannot dig into JSONDecoder data got via alamofire

Cannot read data from section "weather" of JSONDecoder file, got via Almofire

the data printed in console:

{"coord":{"lon":-0.13,"lat":51.51},"weather":[{"id":521,"main":"Rain","description":"shower rain","icon":"09d"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":289.64,"pressure":1006,"humidity":48,"temp_min":286.48,"temp_max":292.59},"visibility":10000,"wind":{"speed":1},"clouds":{"all":85},"dt":1558190870,"sys":{"type":1,"id":1414,"message":0.009,"country":"GB","sunrise":1558152298,"sunset":1558208948},"id":2643743,"name":"London","cod":200}

struct MyWeatherData: Codable {
    let coord : coord
    let weather : weather

struct coord: Codable {
    let lon: Double
    let lat: Double


struct weather: Codable {
    let array : [unknown] //here is my problem
    let base : String

struct unknown : Codable {
    let id : Int
    let main: String
    let description : String
    let icon : String

let cityLink = ""

        Alamofire.request(self.cityLink+"&APPID=\(self.myId)").responseJSON { (response) in
//            print("Request: \(String(describing: response.request))")   // original url request
//            print("Response: \(String(describing: response.response))")
//            print("Result: \(response.result)")

            if let data =, let utf8 = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {

                print("Data is: \(utf8)")
                do {
                    let myData = try JSONDecoder().decode(MyWeatherData.self, from: data)
//                    print("lat is: \(") //ok, working
                    print("weather is: \(") //not working

                } catch let myError {
                    print("error is: ", myError)



  • No, the problem is not here is my problem, the problem is in MyWeatherData.

    Please read the JSON. It's very easy. The value for key weather is wrapped in [] so the object is an array.

    And name all structs with uppercase letters to avoid confusion like let weather : weather

    struct MyWeatherData : Decodable {
        let coord : Coord
        let weather : [Weather]
    struct Coord : Decodable {
        let lon: Double
        let lat: Double
    struct Weather : Decodable {
        let id : Int
        let main: String
        let description : String
        let icon : String