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How to change WordPress Comment output via hooks accessing comment meta data?

I am looking to add some meta data to my Woo Commerce product reviews.

My plugin shows which product variant the customer is reviewing, and I wanted to add that information into each of the customer's reviews (comments), with a small thumbnail img of the product varient to fancy things up a bit as well.

But I am having trouble finding a filter / hook to tap into.

I have tried this one...

add_filter( 'comment_text', function( string $comment_text ) {

    $comment_text = '<p>Comment text injection</p>' . $comment_text;

    return $comment_text;

It works, but the problem is , it does not provide much context... I need the comment ID so I can grab some meta data about the comment.

The documentation says it is possible to for this filter to have a WP_Comment obj passed with the filter... but that doesn't happen in my case.

Any suggestions on hooks/filters available to use - I don't really want to have to start hacking the comments template.


  • The comment_text filter hook allow 3 function arguments (so you missed 2 of them):

    • $comment_text (string), the main filtered argument
    • $comment (object), the current WP_Comment Object instance
    • $args (array), an array of arguments

    So in this hooked function, here is an example targeting Order notes for example:

    add_filter( 'comment_text', 'customizing_comment_text', 20, 3 );
    function customizing_comment_text( $comment_text, $comment, $args ) {
        if( $comment->comment_type === 'review' ) {
            $comment_text = '<p>Comment text injection</p>' . $comment_text;
        return $comment_text;

    Code goes in functions.php file of your active child theme (or active theme). Tested and work.

    enter image description here

    To get specific comment meta data you will use the function get_comment_meta() like:

    $meta_value = get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID, 'your_meta_key', true );

    To Add specific comment meta data you will use the function add_comment_meta() like:

    add_comment_meta( $comment_id, 'your_meta_key', $meta_value, $unique );