I am new to C++ and curlpp, and I needed the header response and the response body from the curlpp response, but what is happening is I am getting both the things in the same string, is there any way or any flag which will help me in storing the header response and response body separately.
std::ostringstream respMsg;
request.setOpt(new PostFields(body));
request.setOpt(new PostFieldSize(body.size()));
request.setOpt(new Header(1));
request.setOpt(new curlpp::options::WriteStream(&respMsg));
if (curlpp::infos::ResponseCode::get(request) == 200){
// success
std::cout << respMsg.str() << std::endl;
json data = parse(respMsg.str())
} else {
// failure
std::cout << respMsg.str() << std::endl;
What I am expecting is in "if" part, I just need the json string, but I am getting header response + JSON string, which I am not able to separate, is there any setOPt flag or any way to get both the things separately, NOTE: I also need the header response in else part to print the error message. Any pointers are appreciated. Thanks in advance and sorry for bad English.
You can simply split the response:
std::string response = respMsg.str();
size_t endOfHeader = response.find("\r\n\r\n");
if (endOfHeader != std::string::npos) {
std::string header = response.substr(0, endOfHeader);
std::string body = response.substr(endOfHeader + 4);
If you need only the response body, you can disable the header
option using
request.setOpt(new Header(0));
or simply removing the line.
if you need the headers too, you can disable the header
and use the HeaderFunction
std::string headers;
size_t HeaderCallback(char* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb)
int totalSize = size * nmemb;
headers += std::string(ptr, totalSize);
return totalSize;
You can understand better the options if you read the libcurl
API: here. (curlpp
is just a wrapper to libcurl
The header_function
documentation is here.