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Create one code client / flatten controllers with NSwag and AutoREST

I'm trying to create a code wrapper for an api with NSwag and Autorest.

Previously I was using Swashbuckle to generate the swagger file. It generated the swagger file with operationIds in the format actionMethod. This resulted in Autorest generating a code client that was 1-deep. All of the actions were on the top-level class.

For various reasons, I needed to change swagger generation to NSwag. This generates operationIds in the format controller_actionMethod. This results in AutoRest creating a composite class that exposes separate classes with actions for each controller.

How can either

  • Change how NSwag generates the operationIds
  • Change how Autorest maps operationIds

Note: I know I can manually change the swagger.json, but I'd like to keep a consistent automated process for generating the code client.


  • There doesn't appear to be any readily available settings, but you can hook into the generation process of NSwag

    The operation processor

    class FlattenOperationsProcessor: IOperationProcessor
        public async Task<bool> ProcessAsync(OperationProcessorContext context)
            context.OperationDescription.Operation.OperationId = $"{context.MethodInfo.Name}";
            return true;

    Then add it in Startup.cs

    document.OperationProcessors.Add(new FlattenOperationsProcessor());