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Invoke-WebRequest freezes / hangs

Why does the cmdlet "Invoke-WebRequest" freezes / hangs on certains URLs? Any workaround possible? I want to access the "span" objects for a given webpage and this cmdlet would be very useful if it didn't hang like that.

For example, this hangs:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ""

This doesn't :

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ""

-UseBasicParsing makes it run but I want to use the functionality of what Invoke-WebRequest returns without basic parsing because with basic parsing, the span field i'm trying to extract is not populated.


  • This seems to still be a bug in powershell

    A possible work around is to convert the item into parsed HTML manually

    Function ConvertTo-NormalHTML {
        param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]$HTML)
        $NormalHTML = New-Object -Com "HTMLFile"
        return $NormalHTML
    $Content = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -UseBasicParsing ).Content
    $ParsedHTML = ConvertTo-NormalHTML -HTML $Content