It's my first time with Ngrx Store and I want to use it to get some publications from my database. I can do it for a simple publication but right now I want to do it but for a special id
This is my effect
getPiinsByProfilesEffect$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$
startWith(new featureActions.GetPiinsByProfile()),
switchMap(action => this.dataService.GetPiinsByProfile(
map(items => new featureActions.GetPiinsByProfileSuccess(items.results)),
catchError(error =>
observableOf(new featureActions.GetPiinsByProfileFail(error))
This is my service
GetPiinsByProfile(id: string): Observable<ListPiinsResponse> {
const limit = '7';
const page = '1';
return this.http.get<ListPiinsResponse>(`${this.baseUrl}/piins/profile/${id}`, {
params: {
limit: limit, page
And this is my action
export class GetPiinsByProfile implements Action {
readonly type = ActionTypes.GET_PIINS_BY_PROFILE;
constructor(public id: String) { }
export class GetPiinsByProfileStart implements Action {
readonly type = ActionTypes.GET_PIINS_BY_PROFILE_START;
export class GetPiinsByProfileFail implements Action {
readonly type = ActionTypes.GET_PIINS_BY_PROFILE_FAIL;
constructor(public payload: any) { }
export class GetPiinsByProfileSuccess implements Action {
readonly type = ActionTypes.GET_PIINS_BY_PROFILE_SUCCESS;
constructor(public payload: Piins[]) { }
Thanks to everyone if you can help me :)
Thank's everyone and I find the solution.
I use the same constructor like @vishnu but the real problem was in my effect. That's my new version :
getPiinsByProfilesEffect$: Observable<ActionsPiins> = this.actions$
startWith(new featureActions.GetPiinsByProfileLoad),
switchMap(action => {
if (action.type === featureActions.ActionTypes.GET_PIINS_BY_PROFILE) {
const getPiinsByProfileAction = action as featureActions.GetPiinsByProfile;
return this.dataService.GetPiinsByProfile(
tap((list) => console.log(list)),
map(items => new featureActions.GetPiinsByProfileSuccess(items.results)),
catchError(error =>
observableOf(new featureActions.GetPiinsByProfileFail(error))
} else {
return observableOf(action);
And this is my new action :
export class GetPiinsByProfileLoad implements Action {
readonly type = ActionTypes.GET_PIINS_BY_PROFILE_LOAD;