am trying to create a web interface to interact with OVH's telephony API ovh telephony api using the official JAVA wrapper OVH java wrapper.
I am trying to use a GET endpoint with parameters. this is the endpoint:
GET /telephony/{billingAccount}/line/{serviceName}/statistics
timeframe: string; type : string
This is how I am doing the call:
api.get("/telephony/{myBuildingAccount}/line/{myServiceNumber}/statistics", "timeframe=daily&type=maxDelay", true);
But I am getting an error 400 bad signature.
Could someone help me with this ?
The API of the java wrapper specifies that the api.get
method receives as the second parameter (in the three parameters version of api.get
) the GET body; but you are passing a string containing the URL parameters:
api.get("/telephony/{ACCT}/line/{NUM}/statistics", "timeframe=daily&type=maxDelay", true);
Since the request you need does not require a body and does require the parameters in the URL, you need to use the following invocation:
api.get("/telephony/{ACCT}/line/{NUM}/statistics?timeframe=daily&type=maxDelay", true);
Pay attention that {ACCT}
and {NUM}
must be replaced by the actual account and service number values in that first string. Also, notice the parameters are appended directly into the string URL.
Hope this helps.