In my Windows batch file on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, I'm trying to use the Forfiles command without recursing through my files, but it still recurses even though I am not using the /S parameter.
How can I get it to stop recursing
I've tried it with both @path and @file and even with the /s. When I use the /S, the amount of recursion is ridiculous!
ForFiles /p "C:\temp" /d -30 /c "cmd /c dir @path" >temp.txt
In the code above, I expect the temp.txt to only show files in the specified folder, not any of it's subfolders.
Let's consider what you are asking the system to do:
Forfiles /p "C:\temp" /d -30
The above command does pretty much what you intended, find any file/folder older than 30 days.
/c "cmd /c dir @path"
This does not do what you think. You are effectively asking cmd
to dir
each match found by forfiles
and do the full dir of each @path
, including folders. So let's say you have a dir older than 30 days:
You are telling cmd.exe
to do:
dir "C:\Temp\oldinstalldir"
as well as dir for each file in c:\temp
again. So what you really want is to list the files you found older than 30 days which forfiles
already found for you, so a working solution is to just echo
ForFiles /p "C:\temp" /d -30 /c "cmd /c echo @path">temp.txt
Or by filename only (no path):
ForFiles /p "C:\temp" /d -30 /c "cmd /c echo @file">temp.txt