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Calling a function from another JS file And Node Directory Structure

MessageHandler.HandleMessage(message);The question might seem to be 2 parts, but I think there might be overlap between them.

I'm making a very simple Node application where I could, theoretically, put all my functions in the same JS file. However like C# (where you could theoretically put all your classes on the same page) this is going to get cluttered very quickly and is likely considered bad practice.

I have the basic node generation structure (as shown in the sublime explorer):

enter image description here

But I'm not sure where is the standard place for me to start putting my JS.

Looping back to the first part of my question I have this very simple code.

    //file: MyNode.js
    const MessageHandler = require('MessageHandler.js');
    var message = "Hello world!";


    //file: MessageHandler.js
    function HandleMessage(message)
        Console.log('Message is this: ' + message);


They are in the same file directory but during execution I get a HandleMessage is not a function. type error. Is there a structuring or scope problem that I'm not seeing?


  • Actually, your code is correct but needs little addition, you need to export the required function to expose or to use in another js file.

    // a.js
    anyFun() {
    // body
    you can use module.exports = anyFun;
    let a = require('./a')
        In your case:
        //file: MessageHandler.js
           module.exports.HandleMessage = function HandleMessage(message)
            console.log('Message is this: ' + message);
       //file: MyNode.js
      let demo = require("./MessageHandler");