Search code examples

Twitter: Number of tweets OR get more tweets

I would like to know how can I get all tweets from a certain hash tag?
I am currently using the following code:"GET","");

This only returns me 15 tweets. Does anyone know how to make it return more?

Also, I have got a code to get me the tweets of a certain screen name, this only returns 20 tweets, how can i ask the following 20 tweets?

The code i used for that is:"GET","");

I'm using titanium to create this, but I don't think that is an issue?



  • You can usually add count=x as parameter to the query string to get up to x tweets (for the search api it seems to be rpp). Query string parameters are added to the base url via ? and each individual parameter is then separated by & as in http://api?user=1&count=4

    Most of the time, it is better though to remember the last tweets and then add ?since_id=x as this way you only get tweets you did not see before.

    Have a look at the api documentation.