I am using the predict() function to predict the Purchase variable in blackFriday_test. When I use cor() with theses variables as arguments, I get an 'incompatible dimensions' error message.
I tried looking at the dimension of the Purchas variable in blackFriday_test which is 107516, but the predicted values turn out to be only 32955.
The data was downloaded from https://www.kaggle.com/mehdidag/black-friday.
blackFriday <- read.csv("BlackFriday.csv", stringsAsFactors = T)
nblackFriday <- blackFriday[, 3:12]
train <- sample(nrow(nblackFriday), as.integer(0.8 * nrow(nblackFriday)), replace = F)
blackFriday_train <- nblackFriday[train, ]
blackFriday_test <- nblackFriday[-train, ]
nblackFriday$Product_Category_2 <- ifelse(is.na(nblackFriday$Product_Category_2), mean(nblackFriday$Product_Category_2, na.rm = T), nblackFriday$Product_Category_2)
nblackFriday$Product_Category_3 <- ifelse(is.na(nblackFriday$Product_Category_3), mean(nblackFriday$Product_Category_3, na.rm = T), nblackFriday$Product_Category_3)
blackFriday_train$Product_Category_2 <- nblackFriday$Product_Category_2[train]
blackFriday_train$Product_Category_3 <- nblackFriday$Product_Category_3[train]
m <- train(Purchase ~ ., data = blackFriday_train, method = "rpart")
p <- predict(m, blackFriday_test)
cor(p, blackFriday_test$Purchase)
#This is where I get the error
I expect the number of predicted values to be the same as the number of rows in blackFriday_test, but they are not.
You replaced NAs in your training set, but not in your testing set, so those cases are being omitted.
> head(blackFriday_test)
Gender Age Occupation City_Category Stay_In_Current_City_Years Marital_Status Product_Category_1
3 F 0-17 10 A 2 0 12
6 M 26-35 15 A 3 0 1
15 F 51-55 9 A 1 0 5
16 F 51-55 9 A 1 0 4
21 M 26-35 12 C 4+ 1 5
22 M 26-35 12 C 4+ 1 8
Product_Category_2 Product_Category_3 Purchase
3 NA NA 1422
6 2 NA 15227
15 8 14 5378
16 5 NA 2079
21 14 NA 8584
22 NA NA 9872
Just impute them like you did for the training set it works as expected.
blackFriday_test$Product_Category_2 <- nblackFriday$Product_Category_2[-train]
blackFriday_test$Product_Category_3 <- nblackFriday$Product_Category_3[-train]
p <- predict(m, blackFriday_test)
> length(p) == nrow(blackFriday_test)
[1] TRUE
> cor(p, blackFriday_test$Purchase)
[1] 0.7405558
Try using the partitioning and preprocessing features of caret, itself. For me they help to avoid these types of easy errors.