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How can I integrate's Issues with issue tracking in TortoiseHg?

I can not find any documentation for this - is it possible?


  • The help for the fields you've found in the TortoiseHg config dialog (thg userconfig) is:

    • Issue Regex field:

      Defines the regex to match when picking up issue numbers.

    • Issue Link field:

      Defines the command to run when an issue number is recognized. You may include groups in issue.regex, and corresponding {n} tokens in (where n is a non-negative integer). {0} refers to the entire string matched by issue.regex, while {1} refers to the first group and so on. If no {n} tokensare found in, the entire matched string is appended instead.

    In other words, if you configure them like

    issue.regex = [Ii]ssue(\d+) ={1}

    then you will have a setting suitable for the Mercurial project itself: if a commit message contains the text "issueNNN" or "IssueNNN", then TortoiseHg will now make that a link to the Mercurial bug tracker for Issue NNN.

    For Bitbucket's issue tracker you will want a link like<user>/<repo>/issue/{1}/

    and then capture the issue number in the regular expression. This works because Bitbucket is smart enough to ignore the rest of the URL after the issue number -- you can write whatever you want there, or write nothing as above.

    Very simple functionality, but also quite useful when you often lookup bugs based on the commit messages.