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How to get historic VIX data in Google spreadsheet

I could get price of a stock on a data using


But same formula doesn't work for VIX


does return current value of VIX.

How can I get VIX on a specific date?


  • I've come across a similar issue where =GoogleFinance seems to have missing data for certain stocks, on certain dates.

    One alternative free data source is MarketWatch, and I found that below is able to retrieve VIX on 4/26/2019:

    =index(importhtml("","Table"), 3, 2)

    For my own issue, it seemed like it had trouble with market closed days (i.e. weekends and NASDAQ holidays), and I was able to force it to approximate price with this formula:

    =index(GoogleFinance("AMZN", "price", WORKDAY(E20+1,-1,'Market Closed Days'!Q2:Q10),1),2,2)

    Where I specified the date in cell E20, and a list of NASDAQ holidays in a sheet named Market Closed Days in cells Q2:Q10. This does not seem to be the case for 4/26/2019, but I wanted to share it in case it is helpful for others.