I am working on an Access 2014 DB that exports the results of a query to an excel file that can be sent to a third party. I want the resulting excel file to go to a specified folder on a shared drive, with a naming scheme of "serialnumber vendor ASL.xlsx"
Any hints I should look at, pointers to websites that I did not find with Duck Duck Go, all would be greatly appreciated
Right now I am using a simple Macro to export the file with the "ExportWithFormatting" but I cant seem to get anything going in the "Output File" box that gives me any flexibility.
I suspect this can be done with VBS, but I'm pretty shaky when it comes to establishing and running a VBS module. I converted the Macro to a VBS Module, but I have no idea where to go from here.
Option Compare Database
' expord_ASL_to_Excel
Function expord_ASL_to_Excel()
On Error GoTo expord_ASL_to_Excel_Err
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "Match up", "ExcelWorkbook(*.xlsx)", "", True, "", , acExportQualityPrint
Exit Function
MsgBox Error$
Resume expord_ASL_to_Excel_Exit
End Function
I tinkered with it a bit, but I can't get it to do anything. I am currently trying to backtrack through the basics of running a VBS module, so I don't need any help with that yet. I'm just trying to figure out this little bit of finesse going.
Per OP's comments, Vendor and Serial are being selected from ComboBoxes on Form.
This code should be placed in the module - overwrite the function that is there. It can be triggered via Macro - RunCode or you can link a button click directly to it.
Just replace the networkPath value with the folder (including the final ) where you want the file to end up.
Then replace the Form("Form1") and ComboBox("SerialComboBox", "VendorComboBox") designations with the names of your form and controls.
Function expord_ASL_to_Excel()
On Error GoTo expord_ASL_to_Excel_Err
Dim networkPath As String
networkPath = "C:\Your\Network\Path\"
exportPath = networkPath & Forms!Form1!SerialComboBox.Value & " " & Forms!Form1!VendorComboBox.Value & " ASL.xlsx"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "Match up", "ExcelWorkbook(*.xlsx)", exportPath, True, "", , acExportQualityPrint
Exit Function
MsgBox Error$
Resume expord_ASL_to_Excel_Exit
End Function