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Can't find .XSL file embedded in project DLL

Quick question that's wrecked my morning and is driving me nuts.

I have a small project that includes a DLL from another project. The DLL has an XSL file embedded in it that I want to extract and apply to a webbrowser control.

I have no problem with extracting / accessing embedded resources in the main EXE file, but I cannot find the means of accessing it in the DLL!?

I've tried:

  • "SolutionName.DllName.Resource.xsl"
  • "ExeName.DllName.Resource.xsl"
  • "ProjectNamespace.DllNamespace.Resource.xsl"

...and pretty much every permutation thereof, but it's never able to find it.

I don't have a dot-notation reference for it in C# to use with nameof(), and I can't find any apparent reference / access to it with:


So, what's the correct naming (or other?) method for retrieving this file?

In case any of this helps, here's some additional details:

Project Name: DataBuilder
Project Namespace: DataBuilder
DLL Name: CobCommon
DLL Namespaces: CobCommon, CobCommon.Classes, CobCommon.Classes.Data, CobCommon.Winforms, CobCommon.WinForms.Controls
XSL Resource Name: XmlFormating.xsl

The specified resource file operation is "Embedded Resource" and it's located in the "root" area of the DLL project.

Accessing global:: gives me CobCommon, and DataBuilder amongst the available choices, but CobCommon doesn't have either a .Properties or a .Resources option, and DataBuilder which does have .Properties.Resources gives "Culture" as the only reference.

The XSL file is listed on the DLL Project's "Properties|Resources|Files" tab.

What am I missing?


  • Using GetExecutingAssembly() will probably always refer to your assembly. Instead, create an instance of some innocuous, (hopefully) simple object declared in that external DLL, then use that instance object's...


    to get a stream handle to your embedded object.