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Using Kotlin Sealed Classes for routing to different screens

Is it a good idea to create sealed classes as such:

sealed class Route<out T: Any> {
    data class ToRoute1<out T : Any>(val data: T) : Route<T>()
    data class ToRoute2<out T : Any>(val data: T) : Route<T>()
    data class ToRoute3<out T : Any>(val data: T) : Route<T>()

So the Route seal class will define all the possible destination that current screen could "route to". So for example "LoginScreen" can have the following sealed class:

sealed class LoginRoute<out T: Any> {
    data class ToSignUp<out T : Any>(val data: T) : LoginRoute<T>()
    data class ToUserDetails<out T : Any>(val data: T) : LoginRoute<T>()
    data class ToSomeOtherPossibleDestination<out T : Any>(val data: T) : LoginRoute<T>()

Now on in ViewModel I can have:

val proceedToDestination = MutableLiveData<Event<LoginRoute>>()

then in the view, I could just observe proceedToDestination and do the following:

viewModel.proceedToDestination.observe(this, Observer { route ->
    route?.consume()?.run {
        when (route) {
            LoginRoute.ToSignUp -> // TODO START SIGNUP
            LoginRoute.ToUserDetails-> // TODO GO TO USER DETAILS SCREEN
            LoginRoute.ToSomeOtherPossibleDestination-> // TODO GO TO OTHER POSSIBLE DESTINATIONS

My question is whether this is a good idea or a good practice overall? Thanks in advance.


Just really want to make this alive again and maybe find some answers.


  • About sealed class - This is fine. I uploaded our Simple-Router approach which uses similar Routes. You can also benchmark with pretty interesting Kompass router.

    Apart from implementation the difference here is in routing responsibility - in solutions I presented Presenter/ViewModel has access to Router and calls navigate(..) on it - in your approach you use Rx/LiveData and let your View handle it but this it's just another logic layer above it.