This is a follow-up question to wildfly or jboss 7.1 standalone.xml dtd
And forgive me, I'm new here, I couldn't find a link to specifically ask a clarifying or follow-up question while at that question.
I'm in the process of converting from eclipse Mars to intellij IDEA.
I don't actually do java programming, but I work in a java house, and I do lots of configurations for java jars/wars deployed on JBoss/WildFly, and most of these configurations are XML. I'm finding intellij IDEA to be stellar for finding and fixing (or helping me fix) problems in XML.
Along the way, I also need to edit standalone.xml. A lot. Running intellij's validation against the out-of-the-can standalone.xml comes up with hundreds of errors, probably because no XSDs or DTDs are specifically called out at the top of the standalone.xml. It starts like this:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<server xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:3.0">
<!-- ...snip-a-de-do-dah... -->
schema $ pwd /my/path/to.../wildfly-9.0.1.Final/docs/schema schema $ find . -type f -name "*dtd" |wc -l 6 schema $ find . -type f -name "*xsd" |wc -l 383 schema $
Hundreds... literally hundreds of schema files potentially involved in describing and validating that one standalone.xml file.
Is there a way to bulk-import all the wildfly docs schema XSDs and DTDs into intellij so it just works for any possible wildfly-related validation of standalone.xml or hosts.xml files we might create/edit?
Intellij now has a convenient option to import all those schemas, via the App Servers section. There is a "Register schemas" button you can click when adding a wildfly installation (in preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Application Servers).
I'm using Intellij Ultimate 2019.1.
See also the docs on this feature.