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Database connections still in use after query on sqlx in a golang project

I'm working in a golang project using sqlx and postgres. When the application starts I open a connection with the database and use it like this:

var connRO *sqlx.DB
var connRW *sqlx.DB

/ GetInstance - will return the connection opened to the database
func GetInstance(readonly bool) *sqlx.DB {

    if readonly {
        return connRO

    return connRW

The problem is that in some blocks of code the connection still in use, here one example:

instanceRW := database.GetInstance(false)
instanceRO := database.GetInstance(true)

err := instanceRO.Get(&idFuncionario, `
            SELECT id 
            FROM t_funcionario 
            WHERE codigo_externo = $1 `,
        if err != nil {
            return errors.New("Erro ao identificar funcionário.")

        // Verifica se o item é granel
        // Caso não seja
        if *i.ItemGranelID == 0 {
            // Verifica se o item está disponível
            err = instanceRO.Get(&localidade_id, `
                SELECT COALESCE(localidade_id, 0) 
                FROM t_item 
                WHERE id = $1
            `, i.ItemID)
            if err != nil {
                return errors.New("Não foi possível identificar tipo do item.")

When I try test it doing something like it, the test don't open many connections. Here some test code:

i := 600
    for i != 0 {
        if true {
            err := db.Select(&item, `SELECT * FROM t_item LIMIT 10`)
            if err != nil {

            err = db.Select(&categoria, `SELECT * FROM t_categoria LIMIT 10`)
            if err != nil {

            err = db.QueryRow(`INSERT INTO t_categoria
                VALUES ($1, $2)`, fmt.Sprintf("cateToTeste%v", i), true).Scan(&itemget)
            if err != nil {


            err = db.Get(&itemget, `SELECT COALESCE(localidade_id, 0) 
                    FROM t_item 
                    WHERE id = $1`, 150)
            if err != nil {


    log.Println("Tudo ok!!")

Some time I get max connections and the application die.


  • Thanks to @mkopriva ! I still don't know why the connections still in use, but to solve my problem I've use Tx and create a function to defer a commit or a rollback (commit and rollback both return a error, I was having problems to close the connections because that - in the Tx cases):

    func commitORRollback(db *sqlx.Tx, ROLLBACK *bool) {
        if *ROLLBACK {
            if err := db.Rollback(); err != nil {
        } else {