Using pyglet 1.2.4, I am using avbin.dll to allow me to play audio and all sources say it needs to go into C:\Windows\System. This works, but I would like to put in in a local folder, so that when it is downloaded, the user does not need to explicitly put it there.
How can I make it so that I specify the directory of avbin.dll/have in the same folder as the code?
Here, avbin.dll is in the folder with the code, but I can't find how they did it. I tried going through it but I didn't find anything
I tried
but it was already set to true.
I also added it to the path variable, but this didn't change anything.
The intention was to be able to play audio files.
Using pyglet 1.4, I tried using ffmpeg
and ffmpeg-pyglet
, which works great, except that
is required to stop the first part of the track playing on repeat, but its mainloop interferes with tkinter's and I can't seem to get either working in threads, which is why I reverted back to 1.2.4.
This can be solve by just creating an installer using NSIS [Nullsoft Scriptable Install System ] .It is easy to create an installer using NSIS just for reference i will show you !
!include LogicLib.nsh
!include x64.nsh
# define installer name
OutFile "mp3player_installer.exe"
;set the default install directoy to programfilesx86
;checking system architechure
;if 64bit set the installation path to SysWOW64 else to system32
${If} ${RunningX64}
SetOutPath "$WINDIR\SysWOW64\"
File avbin.dll
SetOutPath "$WINDIR\System32\"
File avbin.dll
;set the output path to programfilesx86/Application dir
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Mp3Player\"
;the file need to copy ref with File Attribute you can set multiple file refs here
;just create an uninstaller
WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\Mp3Player\uninstall.exe"
Section "Uninstall"
# Always delete uninstaller first
Delete "$INSTDIR\Mp3Player\uninstaller.exe"
# now delete installed file
Delete "$INSTDIR\Mp3Player\"
Delete "$WINDIR\SysWOW64\avbin.dll"
You can install NSIS Application and just create an installer.nsi file and copy this code and compile the script by just right click the installer.nsi file and select compile with NSIS Script the result will generate an installer for you !