I wrote a small function for the pyhtagorean value:
function c = pyth(a,b)
% Takes two inputs of same size and returns the pythagorean of the 2 inputs
if size(a) == size(b) % checks for same size
c = sqrt(a.*a + b.*b); % calculates the pythagorean value
fprintf('Error: Input sizes are not equal'); % returns if sizes are not the same
It works correctly, but after it returns, the '>>' is on the same line as my output, rather than a fresh line beneath the output. This is only the case for the fprintf
. Here:
>> pyth([1 2;3 4],[5 6;7 8])
ans =
5.0990 6.3246
7.6158 8.9443
>> pyth([1 2],[1 2;3 4])
Error: Input sizes are not equal>>
How can I fix this?
is typically for writing to files (hence the f
in the beginning). When writing to (text) files, the way to ensure OS-independent line breaks is to add \r\n
(aka CRLF, or [char(10) char(13)]
) at the end of your string. It appears that when printing to the console, this is not important (i.e. \n
also works in MATLAB running on Linux).
Several tips: