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Perform Drag&Drop with Cypress

I've tried for some days to perform an e2e test that performs a Drag&Drop event in Selenium, and after several ways to resolve this, someone told me about Cypress, so, here I am trying to learn this new stuff.

The question is, how could I get the x position and the y position from a certain element with Cypress? In the GitHub issues someone used this function

function moveElement(element, x, y) {
            .trigger('mousedown', { which: 1 })
            .trigger('mousemove', { clientX: x, clientY: y })
            .trigger('mouseup', { force: true })

BUT, I dont think that insert the x and y coordinates directly is the best way to work, so, in Selenium I got something like

int getXCoordinate(WebElement){
    location = WebElement.getLocation();
    x = location.getX();
    return X;

Is there any way to code a function similar to this?


For those interested in this, cypress runs plain ES6 so you can just use


to retrieve X coordinate and

to retrieve Y coordinate.


  • I am not sure what are you exactly trying out but if your goal is to provide a general drag and drop action through Cypress, there is an npm package npm install --save-dev cypress-file-upload

    And you should import it to the cypress command.js

    The details are stated at and there is also an example with drag and drop there.

    An example of how I implemented is:

    it("should upload a file", () => {
            cy.fixture('afile.withanextension','base64').then(file => {
                cy.get('input') // or how you find that element
                                fileName: 'afile.withanextension',
                                mimeType: 'propermimetype' // e.g. image/jpg