I'm just wondering if there is any way to join data within Amazon Quicksight. I have several data sets each created from a separate database. I was wondering if there is any way to join these data sets together.
Unfortunately, as of May 2019, there is not a way to join datasets from different databases or different schemas hosted in the same database.
A few options to consider that I have done to work around this:
1) If your data sources are all hosted in same database but are from different schemas, you could create a view in the database that joins the data there and then pull the data from the view
2) Use the DMS service to move your data all into the same spot. We ended up creating a datalake (i.e. S3 bucket) where we used DMS to dump a nightly snapshot of our RDS database tables from different schemas into S3. We then also have other processes that put emailed reports and other streams of data into S3. Once everything is in S3, you can use Glue Crawlers to put the S3 data into a catalog which can then be imported into QuickSight via Athena tables.