I have 2 functions in login features: get salt then login But when I dispatch the action Login, it just call 1 time (get salt one time) getSalt and logIn are Observable here.
Is my effect written correctly? Need some helps, I'm newbie with rxjs, thanks!
My effect
logIn$: Observable<any> = this.action$
map((action: LogIn) => action.payload),
switchMap(payload => {
return this.authService.getSalt(payload.username)
map(data => {
return this.authService.logIn(payload, data);
My get Salt
public getSalt(username: string): Observable<string> {
const url = `${host}/customers/${username}/salt`;
console.log('url salt', url);
return this._http.get<{ salt: string }>(url)
map(res => res.salt)
My login
public logIn({username, password}: { username: string, password: string }, salt: string) {
return this._http.get(url, {params, headers});
You're mapping to a login
Observable so you should use switchMap
instead of map
switchMap(payload => this.authService.getSalt(payload.username).pipe(
switchMap(data => this.authService.logIn(payload, data))