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Django query : Request with startswith in an array

here is my code :

q =  [
query = reduce(operator.and_, (Q(code_postal__startswith=item) for item in q))
result = Record14.objects.filter(query)
for r in result :

I want a query with all the objects from Record14 where the code_postal begin with the values in the q array.

I have the data in my database i'am sure, but the query is empty ...

I don't understand why.


  • The main problem here is that you use and_ as reduce operator, so that means that you specify as condition that the code_postal should start with 78 and 95 at the same time. No text/number can start with 78 and 95 (and all other values) at the same time.

    You can easily fix this by reducing this with or_:

    from functools import reduce
    from operator import or_
    query = reduce(or_, (Q(code_postal__startswith=item) for item in q))
    result = Record14.objects.filter(query)

    That being said, it is probably better to use a regular expression [wiki] here, like:

    from re import escape as reescape
    result = Record14.objects.filter(
        code_postal__regex= '^({})'.format('|'.join(map(reescape, q)))

    For your given list q, this will result in a regex:


    The ^ is the start anchor here, and the pipe acts as a "union", so this regex looks for columns that start with 78, 95, 77, etc.