I currently have a period object with this value :
"35d 17H 15M 28.9999999995343S"
I would like to get a different output which is :
35 days 17 hours 15 minutes 28 seconds
I would like to also be able to format it so the units take a "s" or not depending if the time units > 1 or not.
I already tried to get the attributes of the object with attr(period_object, "unit")
but I can't modify the seconds since it seems they are not in the object.
Formal class 'Period' [package "lubridate"] with 6 slots
..@ .Data : num 29
..@ year : num 0
..@ month : num 0
..@ day : num 35
..@ hour : num 17
..@ minute: num 15
Here is a sample of data :
time1 <- as.POSIXct("2019-01-01 15:12:07")
time2 <- as.POSIXct("2019-02-06 08:27:36")
period_object <- difftime(time2, time1)
[1] "35d 17H 15M 28.9999999995343S"
So the final output I want is :
35 days 17 hours 15 minutes 28 seconds
Anyone got some clues? Thank you.
One way to the seconds:
period_object %/% dseconds(1) %% 60
#[1] 28
To get them all this way:
days <- period_object %/% ddays(1)
hours <- period_object %/% dhours(1) %% 24
minutes <- period_object %/% dminutes(1) %% 60
seconds <- period_object %/% dseconds(1) %% 60