I have a angular service which have a post method where i need to send data from two different bodies to a asp.net core controller. The first bodie contains data from an EventListener and the second contains an id: number.
First i have the method which takes both values and send them to the createResoure method.
getData(areaid: any) {
window.addEventListener("message", (e) => {
let data = JSON.parse(e.data);
console.log(data, {areaid: areaid});
this.createResource(data, areaid).subscribe(data => this.resources.push(data, areaid));
}, false);
and here i have the post method.
createResource(resource: Resource, id: any): Observable<Resource>
let body = JSON.stringify(resource)
let body2 = JSON.stringify({areaid: id});
var returndata = {body, body2}
return this.httpclient.post<Resource>(this.endpoint + '/resource/insertresource', returndata, this.httpOptions)
.pipe(catchError(this.handleError('addResource', resource))
When I log this the body it looks like this:
body: "{"id":282213,"title":"page 1","description":"","thumbnail":"https://site/image/resourcethumbnail?guid=ec9a136d-8ae6-47dd-ab79-14fd47a4f300","url":"https://site/l/show.html#yr7ER"}"
body2: "{"areaid":20}"
But when i recive the values into my controller every value gets null.
public IEnumerable<Resource> InsertResource(Resource resource)
using(var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
var query = ($@"INSERT INTO [dbo].[Resource]([Id], [Title], [Thumbnailurl], [ViewUrl], [Description], [AreaId])
VALUES (@Id, @title, @Thumbnail, @Url, @Description, @areaid);");
var getById = connection.Query<Resource>(query, new {resource.Id, resource.Title, resource.Thumbnail, resource.Url, resource.Description, resource.AreaId});
return getById;
public class Resource
public int ResourceId { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Thumbnail { get; set; }
public string Url { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public int AreaId { get; set; } //foreign key
How do i need to format the post request in the angular service so that the values get inserted right in the model?
Your controller is expecting a Resource
object but your POST request looks more like this:
body: "{\"id\": 123, \"title\": \"xyz\", ...}",
body2: "{\"areaid\":20}"
Firstly, you can drop the JSON.stringify
as Angular will encode javascript objects for you.
Secondly, you can use the spread (...
) operator to combine multiple objects into one, e.g.
createResource(resource: Resource, id: any): Observable<Resource>
const returndata = {areaid: id, ...resource};
return this.httpclient.post<Resource>(this.endpoint + '/resource/insertresource', returndata, this.httpOptions)
.pipe(catchError(this.handleError('addResource', resource)));