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Delphi Add items to cxcombobox on cxgrid without using oninitpopup event for column

I am having a CXGrid with cxGridTableView, I have some 9 columns out of them some are having cxcomboBox , cxcheckcombobox, cxMemo etc.

The existing grid is Orpheus table and the column is of type TOvcTCComboBox this adds items like this OvcTCComboBox_Name.Items.Add('Name'); How can we achieve this on CXGrid with cxGridTableView

1.  procedure SetCombobox(aCombo: TOvcTCComboBox; sTyp: string; bFirst: Bool; sSpr: string; sRetVal: string);

2.  procedure SetCombobox(aCombo: TCxComboBox; sTyp: string; bFirst: Bool; sSpr: string; sRetVal: string);

I have changed the procedure declaration from 1 to 2 and called the procedure with parameters as below


Still this is not working, How can this be fixed?

Please help..


  • To answer your first question, you can use this to add items to a bound grid with a combobox in the first column


    You'll find you can't directly translate your existing SetCombobox function, and so your existing code will be affected